Why the CDC says everyone should avoid cruise ships right now
With omicron cases spread rapidly throughout the world, US centers for controlling and prevention of disease (CDC) have published new bulletin who advised that travelers avoided a completely cruise ship – even when they were fully vaccinated. The decision was partly based on the surge in Covid-19 cases observed among cruise ship passengers and crew members.
The current data shows the number of cases of Covid-19 daily in the US began to stab astronomically around the beginning of December 2020, the new wave was mostly driven by the latest variants of concerns, Omicron (via CDC). This new wave – combined with many unanswered questions about variants – has led to new restrictions intended to curb transmission and help prevent health care systems (even more) overloaded.
Given the high transmission of omicrons and the number of cases produced, CDC suggests that tourists completely avoid traveling by cruise even if they have received the main dose of the Covid-19 vaccine and a booster shot (through Reuters) even. CDC maintains a website that shows the status of various cruise ships operating in the US using a color code graph.
Yellow status shows that a large number of Covid-19 infections have been identified between passengers and / or crew to ensure investigations from the CDC – and, in the latest updates, almost all cruise ship lines are now registered as yellow. In most cases, CDC said it had started an investigation or had done one with a plan to continue to monitor the ship.
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