The Reason Why Astronauts Can’t Have Good Pizza In Space
International space station (ISS) orbits at an average altitude of about 250 miles above earth, so it’s not like astronauts who can call people sending pizza. Oh of course, in 2001 Pizza Hut sent about six inches of cheese and salami Pai to ISS, but it was a monumental task, and needed more than 30 minutes to arrive.
In addition, there are a number of things that cannot be consumed by astronauts when they are locked up in what is the habitat of hamster across the space at a speed of 17,500 miles per hour. Alcohol, ice cream, and anything that is fragile – like bread – everything is on the no go list. So it is safe to assume that the pizza dough will fall into the “bread” category too, right?
Crispy crust is a necessity, but the space that is not heavy combined with the safety hazards that come with crumbs floating and entering the eye, air ventilation, or expensive electronic equipment must be considered when arranging pizza. Vickie Kloeris, a former ISS food system manager at NASA Johnson Space Center, said the crust was “always wet or springy” and “Not fulfilling anyone’s expectations.”
Back in 2013 NASA gave the first round of funds to Austin, Texas, a small business to develop 3D food printers. Systems and Material Research Corporation (SMRC) want to build machines that can make food from the beginning, according to request. If it sounds like a Star Trek replicator, it’s not too far.
Pizza night at space station
The SMRC device can make food by mixing powdered macronutrients (eg, protein and starch) with oil or water in printheads. This will be combined with micronutrients, flavors, and odors and then sprayed like inkjet printers. One of the first recipes is printing layered pizza, starting with the dough, then the sauce, and finally topping. NASA never gave the second round of funds.
Being in a strict diet for weeks or months tends to change someone’s perspective about what is “good” and “bad” food. In 2017 NASA sent an expedition 53 crew Pizza Fixings, including the Boboli dough that had been made before. Space jockeys throw their space settings and wear space aprons to really make and eat pizza space in ISS; Although it might not be chosen “the best of” anything.
Recipes for pizza rooms are limited to pasta and sauce that can be spread to uncontrinated dough and have been made before, and toppings must be able to stick to any sauce that has been applied. In addition, a lot of teamwork is needed to keep everything embedded (using a strip tape) as long as all the preparation work. While PAI can be warmed, the crust that is true -really crispy is not possible because conventional cake ovens are not standard features on ISS … not yet. Until they, they have to be satisfied with a decent facsimile who will satisfy the desire to a little piece of the house
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